
Verizon Adds iPhone Lookalike In Challenge To Apple
October 4, 2007, 1:34 pm
Filed under: Apple, EDGE, EVDO, iPhone, LG, Verizon

Verizon today unveiled it’s version of the LG Voyager, an iPhone like touch screen candy bar/clamshell which opens to a full keyboard. Verizon retails salespeople were positively giddy today to be able to point to an iPhone-like device which they will have available “in a few months”. “We’re getting 5 million questions a day about the iPhone” according to one…it’ll be nice to have something to offer. In addition to the QWERTY keyboard the Voyager will also benefit from Verizon’s EVDO data network, which sports speeds often 5X that of AT&T’s EDGE, the only available option for iPhone owners in the US.
LG Voyager

Full announcement at InformationWeek among others….