
Samsung Nexus
March 9, 2007, 4:46 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Let’s start out with satellite radio is a great service if you spend any significant chunk of time in the car, and you’re not on your cell phone the whole time….

I love XM, though I’ve gotta say I am really disappointed that as many of the channels are now sprouting ads as there are. Choice is great, but frankly, when I’m driving I really don’t want to be fiddling with XM to change the channel because they’re running 5 straight ads.

But about the Nexus…this is a really cool solution to bring satellite radio into both your car and your home. The portable player and passport allow a docking station in the car and a docking station wired to your stereo. The player itself serves as a portable mp3 player that has space for recorded XM content as well as space for your mp3 recordings. It’s a little bigger than a nano, but smaller than my full sized iPod. UI is easy enough, and the battery life is pretty good.

If you’re looking at breaking into satellite radio, this is a highly flexible way to do it. Nexus is an 8 out of 10 for me….